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Shown below is information on our Club and what we have to offer. We also look forward to seeing what you have to enhance our club even further! As a member of UVPC you are entitled to the following benefits:


  • Club meets every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month. Beginners Corner at 6:30 PM the 1st meeting of each month in which a short program is presented and question answer sessions afterwards. The second Beginners Corner meeting of the month is for socializing and asking questions to each other regarding photography. The Main Meeting begin at 7:00 PM. Meetings end at 8:45 PM-we have to be out of the building at that time.

  • Club dues are due April 1st. Annual membership is $30.00

  • You are encouraged to view our club instructional videos. The videos can be checked out for your private use. Please return within 30 days so others have a chance to watch them as well.

  • A Monthly Newsletter is emailed to each member.

  • Email communications between meetings helps to keep members informed along with our Website which informs members and the public. Board Members also provide Email notifications and information about instructional material, outings, upcoming competitions & contact lists.

  • Use of club studio lighting and other studio equipment for non-commercial use.

  • Use of (2) Spyder 3 Pro monitor calibrator.

  • Members are to provide instructional presentations related to photography. If basic, this can be done during Beginners Corner, intermediate to advanced instruction, during the main meeting.

  • Members are expected to join and participate in Outing and/or Program committees.

  • Board meetings are held 4 times per year and all members are welcome to attend. Announcement will be provided when and where the meeting will be held.

    • Club requests a one or two dollar donation to give to Citizen’s Bank for allowing us to use their facility at no charge. The donation box is located in the back of the meeting room.

    • Club arranged photo Outings.

    • Club photo sharing is held every meeting, time permitting. A list of members requested to show their photos is listed in the Club monthly Newsletter. Members are requested to bring their photos on a thumb (jump) drive or CD with their name on it and put their photos in a folder named “Unlimited Vision Photo Sharing”.

    • UVPC has an affiliate program with Red River Paper. Visit our website and click on the Red River Banner to order your photo paper or card stock. The club will get credit for purchases made through this program. The club will receive a small check for purchases made through our site. You do not have to be a member to place an order.

    • We encourage all members to join our Facebook page, a photo sharing website. It is free unless you want to pay for a Pro Account which is a small yearly fee. The club has a group page on Flickr which has our Photo challenge for the month, instructions on how to post your photos to the challenge thread and a member’s equipment for sale page. To obtain access to our group page you need to set up your free (or Pro) account, click on groups-search groups and type Unlimited Vision Photo Club. At the top of the page you click join group. Since we are a private group you will need to be approved to join. Only members are approved to join.

    • The club also owns a LensAlign for your use in calibrating your lenses if you have a newer camera that has (MFA) Micro Focus Adjustment.



Club Dues: $30.00/year

Membership Enquiries:

© Copyright 2013-2025 Unlimited Vision Photo Club, Inc., All rights reserved.

All Photos are the personal property of our photographers and may not be reproduced, printed, or utilized in any form without permission.

  Web Master Don Weltzien

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